Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One Month

Thad was one month old last weekend. He has grown SO much since he first arrived at our home.
One thing we have learned is that you can go with less sleep then one think! 

I have been in the craft room for a while. I have been working on a quilt that I have had for a while and started a new denim one. I'm excited for the denim one to come together. Pictures will start soon!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Thaddeus (Thad) Clarence

We are so happy to be home with our little guy. He is 2 weeks old already and I didn't know you could fall in love with someone so fast! 

Thad was born April 19th and weighed 7lbs 4oz and 21 inches long. I can't complain one bit about him. He lets me sleep for 5 hour stretches at night and just loves to be cuddled! I'm doing great, wish I had the time to be working on the projects but I never want to put him down long enough to do anything besides the dishes.